Fungi ~ Cara Budidaya jamur Tiram,Manfaat,kulit,Fungsi,Gambar Jamur,Kayu,Merang,


Fungi term is not the same with mushrooms. Please see the article for more information. Regnum Fungi is the name of a group of large creatures that live eukariotik heterotrof food mencerna ago outside the body to absorb nutrients in the molecular cell-selnya. Fungi have a variety of forms. The most common member of the Fungi mushroom, kapang, leavened, or yeast, although it is often the appearance outside the visible, not the species itself. Difficulties in the fungi due to the slightly more offspring that have a rotation that looks entirely different (remember metamorfosis in insects or frogs). Fungi reproduce themselves in sexual and aseksual. Increase sexual way: hifa from two different fungi fuse ago formed zigot ago zigot grow into the body of the fruit, while the multiplication aseksual way: form a spore, or bud hifa fragmentation. Fungus spore has a box called a sporangium. Sporangium found in the spore. Examples of fungi are Rhizopus spore form. Example fungus that formed shoots is Saccharomyces. Hifa fungi can terpurus and each fragment can grow into the body of the fruit. Learn the science of fungi called mikologi (from the Greek root word μυκες, "mucus," and λογοσ, "knowledge", "symbol").